Mr Ginseng


It is not surprising that when we look at the evolution of natural medicine, we find herbs that have been serving humankind for thousands of years with great success.

Ashwagandha is no exception and is one of the best Ayurvedic herbs (*adaptogen) that has been used for over 3,000 years to create more vitality in humans. It is a close relative (believe it or not) to tomatoes, peppers and eggplant (Aubergine).

*Definition of adaptogen.: a nontoxic substance and especially a plant extract that is held to increase the body's ability to resist the damaging effects of stress and promote or restore normal physiological functioning.

Ancient healers used this incredible herb to rejuvenate the body, in particular giving back strength and vitality. Ashwagandha is able to assist the body to provide resistance to a range of disease, including arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, cancer, fever, inflammation, nausea, rheumatism, diabetes, leukoderma, cancer and to improve cognitive function and stress/anxiety.

Moreover, Ashwagandha has also developed a solid reputation (recent research confirms this) as a sedative, a hypotensive, an antispasmodic, is antitumour, an analgesic, and is an intiinflammatory.

No person living on the planet should be without Ashwagandha, given the multiple benefits to the body, when using it as part of your nutrition protocol.

1. Protection of the Immune System

Studies indicate that Ashwagandha impacts positively on our immune system, which is central to our health and wellness.

It has been shown to increase white blood cell production and also the number of macrophages (large white blood cells that consume bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites), in the body.

If you suffer from colds and flus regularly, then Ashwagandha can boost your immunity, giving your body the reboot that it needs.

It has also been recognized for its antioxidant potential, which supports our immune system. Compounds found in the plant (particularly the roots) can do some amazing things to assist with immunity. The antioxidant phytochemicals prevent free radical damage from happening.

Free radicals are the nasties that cause illness, speed the aging process and cause inflammation (which promotes a range of degenerative disease including Cancer). This negative effect causes the body to become weaker and to "unravel".

Ashwagandha slows the process of free radical damage, allowing the body to become revitalized, meaning a better quality of life for longer. This boosts longevity, keeps disease away and slows the aging process.

2. Improved Memory, Concentration & Overall Learning

In a 2017 study published in the Journal of Dietary Supplements, found that Ashwagandha root extract contributed to improved memory in 50 people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI).

In this study, people received ashwagandha root for 8 weeks vs those who took a placebo. Those who took the Ashwagandha has significant improvements in:

• Short & long term memory
• Executive function
• Sustained attention
• Information-processing speed.

The sedative properties in Ashwagandha may lead to better cognitive function, since stress, anxiety & sleep disorders can affect normal cognitive function. Additionally, it was noted that Ashwagandha may assist the slowing down process of brain deterioration in people with dementia. Researchers found that it repaired brain cell damage and rebuilt neuronal networks and synapses.

This amazing herb may also assist with alleviating depression because of its ability to deal with mental and emotional stress. Additionally, because of the neuro protective characteristics of the bioactive compounds, located in the Ashwagandha leaf, it has been found to reduce brain cell degeneration.


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